Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sunflower Plant

In lab, I planted a few sunflower seeds and after 7 days they have started to sprout! I leave the cup on my window seal so they can get sunlight even though it may be limited. I also make sure the soil is moist everyday and if it feels dry, I add some water.

Here is my plants after 7 days:

My plant has started growing taller and taller! This picture was taken about 3 days later:

I had to leave my plants to travel to Miami so I left my roomate in charge of babysitting them and when I returned 5 days later, yy little sunflowers had gotten so big! Now they are hanging over the cup! They are needing more and more water everyday!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Rainfall Lab

Our first lab in Environmental Science was centered around the Willet Science Center parking lot. We determined the volume of the parking lot and assumed we got 0.5 inches of rain. Then we were able to calculate the number of gallons of water the parking lot would hold given this amount of rainfall.