Thursday, February 7, 2013

Rocks and Minerals/Kruz Plaza


Quartz is very abundant in the Earth’s crust. It occurs in almost all mineral environments and comes in a variety of colors. Quartz is about the most commonly known and abundant mineral. It tends to be somewhat brittle.


Granite is a type of igneous rock. They can be anywhere from pink to gray in color. Granite is widespread and a durable rock so it is used a lot in construction. 


Kaolinite is a clay mineral. The color is usually white to yellowish. In the southern rural areas it is not uncommon for people to eat kaoline for the mineral value and many other traditional reasons.


Micas are known for their extremely flaky rock characteristics, also known as cleavage. This mineral can be found all over the world. Mica is used in may household products including paint.

Cruz Plaza

There is currently a lot of construction going on at Mercer’s campus. The entire inner campus is being renovated which we be called Cruz Plaza. Over the course of the construction process, the contractors have to keep a few things in mind. First is safety. The construction crews must make sure they are being vert cautious because it is in the middle of a semester so there is a lot of traffic going in and out. Another thing to be addressed is the existing infrastructure. The contractors need to be careful not to damage any existing buildings or damage and lines or pipes running in the ground. Lastly, they have to deal with erosion and how to prevent it. They are putting out gravel and using other methods to minimize erosion when it rains.